with Sophie Trudeau (music), https://trudeaugrill.wordpress.com
booking requests: trudeaugrill[at]gmail[dot]com

Audiovisual explorations of worlds filled with fragile structures of melody and shadows and memories not yet experienced. A longing for coalescence, maybe some beauty.
performance history:
Casa del Popolo, Montreal/CAN
Antimatter Festival, Victoria/CAN
Barcelona LâAlternativa/E
Suoni per il Poplo Festival, Montreal/CAN
Ann Arbor Filmfestival/USA
r.i.c.a. renann isaacs contemporary art, Guelph/CAN
Array Space, Toronto/CAN
VOX, centre de lâimage contemporaine, MontrĂ©al/CAN
OK LĂ, Montreal/CAN
VerksmiĂ°jan, Hyalteyri/ISL
Mengi, ReykjavĂk/ISL
Art Sonore Ă lâAbbaye, St-Benoit Labre/CAN
CinémathÚque québécoise, Montréal/CAN
Installations (see extra pages):
les marges du silence / ghosts along the way