with Philip Jeck (music) and Karl Lemieux (16mm projectors)
We are very sad to announce that Philip has passed away on March 25th, 2022. It was the biggest honour and the most joyful experience to have worked with him for 10 years!
booking requests: GJLtrio[at]gmail[dot]com

The main focus of our audio-visual performance is the investigation of the interface analogue-digital. Images and sounds are produced analogue and digitally and are interlinked via several interfaces. Both visualists have access to their own material as well as to common moving images that they manipulate live. The results of the different treatments are projected onto a screen and merge to one projection with the different qualities of analogue and digital images still intact. Additionally the sound signal is used to generate or manipulate certain aspects of the images. The musician on his part interacts with the moving images. This way all three artists (Jeck, Grill Lemieux) are connected on several levels and produce an atmospherically dense amalgam of images and sounds for the viewers during this live improvisation.

Diagonale Festival/A, Suoni per il Popolo Festival Montréal/CAN (2014, 2021), Daimon Gallery Gatineau/CAN, Edinburgh Int. Filmfestival/UK, Huddersfield Contemproary Music Festival/UK, FACT Liverpool/UK, Unconscious Archives London/UK, Cafe Oto London/UK, Rotterdam Int. Filmfestival/NL, Artacts Festival St. Johann/A, Living Room Liquid Loft Vienna/A, Taktlos Festival Zurich/CH, Electropark Exchanges Milano/I, Vienna Independent Shorts/A, Heart of Noise Festival Innsbruck/A
Installation: Kuroshiro (see extra page)

Marshall Yarbrough in The Brooklyn Rail. Critical Perspectives on Arts, Politics, and Culture
The performance that followed, however, an improvised audio/visual performance by Philip Jeck, Michaela Grill, and Karl Lemieux, was brilliant. Grill and Lemieux worked a row of projectors beaming three square frames of Stan Brakhage-like imagery onto the
screen. Turntablist Jeck constructed an intense sound collage. Throughout the set there was the recurring sound of a needle on scratchy vinyl that could have been a wildfire raging in the distance.
Richard Skelton in digitalinberlin.de
9. What was your best gig (as performer or spectator)? Supporting Philip Jeck, Michaela Grill & Karl Lemieux in Montreal in 2014 was pretty special. We were ill and dosed up on flu medicine. Perhaps that’s why watching the projections felt like an out-of-body experience.