AT 2002, col, 12 min
co-director: Billy Roisz, music: Christof Kurzmann, Martin Siewert, Toshimaru Nakamura, distribution: sixpackfilm, Light Cone
Basic musical material such as feedback, various sound spectrums, etc. and a live performance of „visual music“, translated into digital images, open this joint video production of my kingdom for a lullaby #4, which has assumed a wide range of audiovisual forms. While the images and the sounds were not synchronized during the live performance, but came together in the interacting improvisation of the various participants, the end result was manipulated afterward by the visual experts, making it suitable for video. In spite of the reproducibility this medium offers, which can be considered a contrast to the live project, the multi-phase production process in which the images were created affects the viewer´s aesthetic perception of the video as a whole: Sound and image fuse in a playful way common to experimental works rather than directly, and the element which can be used to describe this abstract twelve-minute audiovisual work – next the computer-aided production process – is the material surface. This surface is located on that part of the spectrum of colours where white and black can mix to an endless degree, and in a graphic sense, artistic arrangement of musical impulses is used to bend, obstruct and disintegrate horizontal and vertical lines. Great concentration is required of the optical and acoustic senses due to the film´s minimalist quality, and this is part of the overall concept. The inner processes which accompany perception – such as imagination and fantasy – should intensify the viewer´s experience in a way which cannot be merely incidental. (Christa Benzer)
Not until the fall of the borders between the intent with which the film material was altered, the comprehensibility of a trail and the recognition of a limited, holistic something will approaching the equally seductive and threatening nature of a seemingly boundless (sound) explosion be possible. (Christian Scheib about my kingdom for a lullaby #4)
Diagonale – Festival of Austrian Films/A, exground filmfest- Wiesbaden/GER, Filmwinter Stuttgart/GER, Transmediale- Berlin/GER, VIPER -Basel/CH, Filmfestival Rotterdam/NL, Avanto- Helsinki Media Art Festival/FIN, SonarCinema-Barcelona/E, NY Underground Film Festival/USA, THAW- Iowa City/USA, Microwave Int. Media Art Festival- Hongkong
Austrian Cultural Forum/UK, Festival Int. de Cinema Independiente-Buenos Aires/ARG
see also my kingdom for a lullaby live