music: Giuseppe Ielasi

Michaela Grill with Giuseppe Ielasi: shadows and silhouettes, a rediscovery of electronic cinema as abstract painting. Grill and her collaborator investigate the raw materials that make up what we casually call music and film. (Ralph McKay)
The multimedia duo Michaela Grill / Giuseppe Ielasi attempts to link improvised electronic music and abstract live visuals to the highest degree possible, making this neither a standard ‚concert‘ nor a ‚music video performance‘ – the object is to interact in a improvisational way with no hierarchy between the visual artist on the one side and the musician on the other. Both in conceptual as well as in a technical way there is an immediate impact on whatever any person is doing on what the other one does. From the visual point of view, the video material is generated live and the sound is one of the possible sources to influence the abstract visuals. The computer and the electronic interfaces function as active co-designers. By employing reduced aesthetic means the optical and sonic senses of the listener/viewer will be intensified and their imagination will be set free.
Internationales Filmfestival Rotterdam/NL, Evolution Festival Leeds/UK, Echo Park Filmcenter Los Angeles/USA, Ballroom Marfa/USA, Salon Mijangos San Antonio/USA, Vanguard Theater Austin/USA